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Reading C.S. Lewis to Sami

Posted By Tyler On 26th March 2006 @ 00:13 In Family, Sami | No Comments

A couple of nights ago I was eating dinner with my family and Samantha was going on about how she plays “Star Wars” and “Narnia” with her neighborhood friends.  She said that she’s always Princess Leia and Lucy.  She hasn’t seen either movie, but she seems to know enough about both of them to successfully make-believe that she’s them.

Heather and I discussed letting her see the recently released (December 2005) “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”.  I thought it might be too much violence for a 4 year old, but then again, I only watched half of the movie the night of my birthday because I was coming down with the flu.  But we both decided that maybe it would be best to read her the book first and then let her watch the movie.

We started reading the very same day and now we’re already on chapter four.  I read to her right before she goes to bed.  I remember my Mom sitting in the hallway between the two bedrooms and reading to us when we were growing up.  I really liked it.  I always hated it when I was too tired to stay awake for the story.  But my Mom was always nice enough to catch me up in the morning.

Griffin has been falling asleep before I finish each night, but Sami is wide awake and ready for another chapter.  She’s loving it!  It’s been fun for me, too.  I hope I’ll continue to read to her.  My good friend Josh has been a good example along with my Mom.  He read to her daughter and they finished tons of books together before she could even read herself.  I’m sure it helps in many ways.  Besides instilling the love of reading it should also create an even stronger bond between the two of us.  I reckon we’ll finish off the Narnia series and then move onto the Harry Potter series or something.

Any other recommendations for a 5 year old?  (She’s turning 5 on Tuesday and as excited as ever!)

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URL to article: http://www.utahadventurevideos.com/blog/archives/2006/03/26/reading-cs-lewis-to-sami/

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