Macro Setting Makes Grass Look Good!

Filed under:Friends, Opinion, Tech, Cool Stuff, Photography — posted by Tyler on June 6, 2006 @ 12:10 am

Picture of my front lawn taken with the tele-macro setting on my JVC camcorderMy friend John showed me some pictures that he took in his backyard of flowers and nature and I was amazed that he was the photographer responsible! The photos were stunning, up-close pictures of beautiful, detailed flowers and plants. When I asked what his secret was, he pointed out the “macro” setting on his camera which is indicated on most digital cameras by the flower icon. Suddenly I remembered seeing that icon on my cameras, but had never thought to use it. A whole new world was opened up to me.

I’m by no means a photographer, although I think still photography has a way of invoking thought and inspiration in a way that video can’t. For that reason, I have always wanted to be a photographer and capture inspiring moments in time. I took a photography class in ninth grade and entered a photo in a contest that won a prize. I think that’s the last time I ever tried to take a photograph that was stunning or impressive. In light of my new found macro setting that was always there but never used, I’m inspired to try and capture some of those moments in time.

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